RERC APT Logo Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Accessible Public Transportation

A partnership between the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University and the IDEA Center at SUNY Buffalo




innovative solution for Universal Design(isUD): Overlay for Transportation Facilities

In response to the growing need for Universal Design solutions more customized to unique facility types such as Healthcare Facilities, Housing, and Transportation Facilities, the isUD™ is being revised to incorporate various “overlays” that address the issues unique to these different use types, and which can assign greater weight to solutions relating to the primary function areas of these facilities. In time, these overlays will be fully incorporated into future versions of isUD™. In the meantime, the overlays act as a supplement the existing isUD™ solutions found on this website.

This overlay focuses on the unique needs of users of transportation facilities and the Innovative Solutions for Universal DesignTM aimed at addressing those needs.

Download isUD™ Overlay for Transportation Facilities

Fact Sheets:

  • Universal Design & Accessible Transit Systems: Facts to Consider When Updating or Expanding Your Transit System: A fact sheet provides useful information on accessibility and the benefits of universal design. Jointly developed with Easter Seals Project ACTION.

Research Publications:


  • Choi, J., Maisel, J. L., Perez, B., & Paquet, V. (2023). Video Observations and Large Accessible Transit Vehicle Operator Evaluations of Two Wheelchair Securement Systems. Transportation Research Record, 03611981231168128.


  • Choi, J., & Maisel, J. L. (2022). Assessing the Implementation of On-Demand Transportation Services for People with Disabilities. Transportation Research Record, n/a, 03611981211067976
  • Maisel. J. and Steinfeld, E. (2022). Universal design and the built environment. Rehabilitation Engineering: Principles and Practice. A. Mihailidis and R. Smith (eds). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
  • Steinfeld, A., & D’Souza, C. (2022). Transportation access. Rehabilitation Engineering: Principles and Practice. A. Mihailidis and R. Smith (eds). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
  • Tomasic, Anthony & Romero, Oscar & Zimmerman, John & Steinfeld, Aaron. (2022). Propositional Reasoning via Neural Transformer Language Models.
  • Zimmerman, J., Steinfeld, A., Tomasic, A., Romero, O.J. (2022). Recentering reframing as an RtD contribution: The case of pivoting from accessible web tables to a conversational internet. Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New Orleans, LA: ACM.


  • Choi, J., & Maisel, J. L. (2022). Assessing the Implementation of On-Demand Transportation Services for People with Disabilities. Transportation Research Record, n/a, 03611981211067976
  • Maisel. J. and Steinfeld, E. (2022). Universal design and the built environment. Rehabilitation Engineering: Principles and Practice. A. Mihailidis and R. Smith (eds). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
  • Steinfeld, A., & D’Souza, C. (2022). Transportation access. Rehabilitation Engineering: Principles and Practice. A. Mihailidis and R. Smith (eds). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
  • Tomasic, Anthony & Romero, Oscar & Zimmerman, John & Steinfeld, Aaron. (2022). Propositional Reasoning via Neural Transformer Language Models.
  • Zimmerman, J., Steinfeld, A., Tomasic, A., Romero, O.J. (2022). Recentering reframing as an RtD contribution: The case of pivoting from accessible web tables to a conversational internet. Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New Orleans, LA: ACM.


  • Kirabo, L., Carter, E.J., Barry, D., Steinfeld, A. (2021). Priorities, technology, & power: Co-designing an inclusive transit agenda in Kampala, Uganda. Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Yokohama, Japan: ACM.
  • Romero, O. J., Wang, A., Zimmerman, J., Steinfeld, A., Tomasic, A. (2021). A task-oriented dialogue architecture via transformer neural language models and symbolic injection. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue. Singapore and Online: Association for Computational Linguistics.


  • Yang,Q., Steinfeld, A., Rosé C., and Zimmerman, J. (2020). Re-examining Whether, Why, and How Human-AI Interaction Is Uniquely Difficult to Design. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1–13.


  • Steinfeld, Aaron., Bloomfield, L., Amick, S., Huang, Yun., Odom, W., Yang Q., & Zimmerman, J. (2019) Increasing Access to Transit: Localized Mobile Information, Journal of Urban Technology, 26:3, 45-64.


  • Steinfeld, A., Maisel, J.L., and Steinfeld, E. (eds). (forthcoming). Accessible Public Transportation: Designing Service for Riders with Disabilities. New York: Routledge.


  • Ranahan, M., Maisel, J., and Lenker, J. (approved). How transit agencies implement best practice strategies in complementary ADA paratransit eligibility. Journal of Public Transportation, 20(3).
  • D’Souza, C., Paquet, V., Lenker, J. & Steinfeld, E. (2017). Effects of Transit Bus Interior Configuration on Performance of Wheeled Mobility Users during Simulated Boarding and Disembarking. Applied Ergonomics, 62, 94-106.
  • Huang, Y., Zimmerman, J., Tomasic, A., Steinfeld, A. (2016). Combining contribution interactions to increase coverage in mobile participatory sensing systems. In ACM (Ed.), 18th Intl Con. on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI ’16 (pp. 365-376). New York: ACM.
  • Yang, Q., Zimmerman, J., Steinfeld, A., Tomasic, A. (2016). Planning Adaptive Mobile Experiences When Wireframing.In ACM (Ed.), 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS ’16) (pp. 565-576). New York: ACM.
  • Giampapa, J. A., Steinfeld, A. Teves, E., Dias, M. B., & Rubinstein, Z. (2017). Accessible Transportation Technologies Research Initiative (ATTRI): State of the Practice Scan, CMU-RI-TR-17-15. Pittsburgh, PA: Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.
  • Giampapa, J. A., Steinfeld, A. Teves, E., Dias, M. B., & Rubinstein, Z. (2017). Accessible Transportation Technologies Research Initiative (ATTRI): Innovation Scan, CMU-RI-TR-17-16. Pittsburgh, PA: Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.        
  • Giampapa, J. A., Steinfeld, A. Teves, E., Dias, M. B., & Rubinstein, Z. (2017). Accessible Transportation Technologies Research Initiative (ATTRI): Assessment of Relevant Research, CMU-RI-TR-17-17. Pittsburgh, PA: Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.


  • Lenker, J, Damle, U, D’Souza, C., Paquet, V., Mashtare, T, and Steinfeld, E. (2016). Usability Evaluation of Access Ramps in Transit Buses: Preliminary Findings. Journal of Public Transportation, 19, 7.
  • Yang, Q., Zimmerman, J., Tomasic, A., & Steinfeld, A. (2016). Planning adaptive mobile experiences when wireframing. ACM Designing Interactive Systems (pp. 565-576). New York, NY: ACM.


  • D’Souza, C.,  Zhu, X., Steinfeld, E., Lenker, J. & Paquet, V. (2015). Human Factors Study of Accessible Buses Using Full Scale Simulations.In R. Mercario (Ed.), 14th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons, Part A (pp. 343 – 354). Lisbon, Portugal: TRANSED.           
  • Min, B.-C., Saxena, S., Steinfeld, A., & Dias, M. B. (2015). Incorporating information from trusted sources to enhance urban navigation for blind travelers. IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation. Seattle, WA: IEEE.
  • Dias, M. B., Steinfeld, A., & Dias, M. B. (2015). Future Directions in Indoor Navigation Technology for Blind Travelers. In H. Karimi (Ed.), Indoor Wayfinding and Navigation (pp. 203-226). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
  • Tomasic, A., Zimmerman, J., Garrod, C., Huang, Y., Nip, T., & Steinfeld, A. (2015). The performance of a crowdsourced transportation information system. Transportation Research Board 2015 Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board.
  • Min, B.-C., Saxena, S., Steinfeld, A., & Dias, M. B. (2015). Incorporating information from trusted sources to enhance urban navigation for blind travelers. IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). New York, NY: IEEE.
  • Saxena, S., Min, B-C., Dias, M. B., & Steinfeld, A. (2015). System and Architecture Design of NavPal Outdoor Navigation Aid for Blind and Visually Impaired Users. Robotics Institute Summer Scholars Working Papers Journal, Vol. 2 (pp. 68-76). Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University, Robotics Institute.
  • Dias, M B (2015). The NavPal Suite of Tools for Enhancing Indoor Navigation for Blind Travelers. In H. Karimi (Ed.), Indoor Wayfinding and Navigation (pp. 187-202). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.


  • Bareria, P., Shin, G. (2014). Assisting wheelchair users on bus ramps: A potential cause of low back injury among bus drivers. International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 21, 5.
  • Jonnalagedda, A., Pei, L., Saxena, S., Wu, M., Min, B-C., Teves, E., Steinfeld, A., & Dias, M. B. (2014). Enhancing the Safety of Visually Impaired Travelers in and around Transit Stations (Tech Report CMU-RI-TR-14-28). Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University, Robotics Institute.
  • Hassan, A., Karimi, H., Dias, M. B., Pearlman, J., & Zimmerman, G. (2014). Wayfinding and Navigation for People with Disabilities Using Social Navigation Networks. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Collaborative Computing, 1, 1-13.
  • D’Souza, C. (2014). Modeling of Accessibility and User Performance for Inclusive Transit Bus Design. SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles, 7, 50-58.
  • D’Souza, C. (2014). Modeling of Accessibility and User Performance for Inclusive Transit Bus Design. Proceedings of the 2014 SAE World Congress. Detroit, MI: SAE International.
  • Tomasic, A., Steinfeld, A., Zimmerman, J., Huang, Y. (2014). The influence of quid-pro-quo on time-sensitive crowdsourcing. acm (pp. 979-988). Baltimore, Maryland, USA: ACM.
  •  D’Souza, C., and Zhu, Xinhui (2014). Ambulation Aid Use and User Performance for Transit Vehicle Interior Design.In HFES (Ed.), Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 58th Meeting (pp. 510-514). Chicago, IL: HFES.


  • Steinfeld, A., Zimmerman, J., Tomasic, A. (2013). Bringing Customers Back into Transportation: Citizen Driven Transit Service Innovation via Social Computing. In S. Bregman, K. E. Watkins (Ed.), Best Practices for Transportation Agency Use of Social Media (pp. ?). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
  • Steinfeld, A., Steinfeld, E. (2013). State of the Science Report: The Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Accessible Public Transportation. Pittsburgh, PA: RERC-APT.
  • Huang, Y., Tomasic, A., An, Y., Garrod, C., and Steinfeld, A. (2013). Energy Efficient and Accuracy Aware (E2A2) Location Services via Crowdsourcing. 9th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (pp. 436-443). Lyon, France: WiMob.
  • Gardiner, S., Tomasic, A., Zimmerman, J. (2013). Mixer: Learning Relational Web Extraction Interactively from a Crowd, IMLW 2013.In IUI (Ed.), Proceedings of the Interactive Machine Learning Workshop at IUI 2013 (pp. 46-47). Santa Monica, CA: ACM.
  • Steinfeld, A., Zimmerman, J., Tomasic, A. (2013). Bringing Customers Back into Transportation: Citizen Driven Transit Service Innovation via Social Computing. In S. Bregman, K. E. Watkins (Ed.), Best Practices for Transportation Agency Use of Social Media (pp. ?). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
  • Steinfeld, E., Paquet, V., Lenker, J., D’Souza, C., and Bareria, P. (2013). Universal design research on boarding and using buses.In S. Skavlid; H. P. Olsen (Ed.), Universaldesign as process (pp. ?). Oslo, Norway: Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs.
  • Yoo, D., Zimmerman, J., Hirsch, T. (2013). Probing bus stop for insights on transit co-design.In CHI (Ed.), Proceeding CHI ’13 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 409-418). New York, NY: ACM.


  • Steinfeld, A., Rao, S. L., Tran, A., Zimmerman, J., & Tomasic, A. (2012). Co-producing value through public transit information services, International Conference on Human Side of Service Engineering. (Co-Located with the International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics)
  • D’Souza, C., Paquet, V., Steinfeld, E. & Lenker, J. (2012). Performance of Walking Aid Users during Laboratory-Based Environmental Simulations of Boarding and Alighting Low-Floor Buses. Submitted to the Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, IEA 2012, Recife, Brazil, February 2012.
  • Paquet, V., Joseph, C. & D’Souza, C. (2012). Computer Re-sampling to Develop Representative User Populations when Applying Anthropometry in Design. Submitted to the Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, IEA 2012, Recife, Brazil, February 2012.
  • Bareria, P., D’Souza, C., Paquet, V., Lenker, J., and Steinfeld, E. (2012). Performance of visually impaired users during simulated boarding and alighting on low-floor buses. In HFES (Ed.), Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (HFES) (pp. 656-660). Boston, MA: HFES.


  • Steinfeld, A., Rao, S. L., Tran, A., Zimmerman, J., & Tomasic, A. (2012). Co-producing value through public transit information services, International Conference on Human Side of Service Engineering. (Co-Located with the International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics)
  • D’Souza, C., Paquet, V., Steinfeld, E. & Lenker, J. (2012). Performance of Walking Aid Users during Laboratory-Based Environmental Simulations of Boarding and Alighting Low-Floor Buses. Submitted to the Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, IEA 2012, Recife, Brazil, February 2012.
  • Paquet, V., Joseph, C. & D’Souza, C. (2012). Computer Re-sampling to Develop Representative User Populations when Applying Anthropometry in Design. Submitted to the Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, IEA 2012, Recife, Brazil, February 2012.
  • Bareria, P., D’Souza, C., Paquet, V., Lenker, J., and Steinfeld, E. (2012). Performance of visually impaired users during simulated boarding and alighting on low-floor buses. In HFES (Ed.), Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (HFES) (pp. 656-660). Boston, MA: HFES.


  • Zimmerman, J., Tomasic, A., Garrod, C., Yoo, D., Hiruncharoenvate, C., Aziz, R., Thirunevgadam, N., Huang, Y. Steinfeld, A. (2011). Field trial of Tiramisu: Crowd-sourcing bus arrival times to spur co-design, Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI).
  • Vázquez, M. & Steinfeld, A. (2011). Helping visually impaired users properly aim a camera, Proceedings of the 14th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers and accessibility (ASSETS).
  • Vázquez, M. & Steinfeld, A. (2011). Facilitating photographic documentation of accessibility in street scenes, Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Works-in-Progress.
  • GeoAccess Challenge Team (2011). Data-Enabled Travel: How Geo-Data Can Support Inclusive Transportation, Tourism, and Navigation through Communities,
  • Steinfeld, A., Zimmerman, J., Tomasic, A., Yoo, A., & Aziz, R. (2011). Mobile transit rider information via universal design and crowdsourcing. Transportation Research Board 2011 Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board.
  • Vázquez, M., & Steinfeld, A. (2011). An assisted photography method for street scenes. IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV).


  • Steinfeld, A. (2010). Ethics and policy implications for inclusive intelligent transportation systems. Second International Symposium on Quality of Life Technology.
  • Steinfeld, A., Aziz, R., Von Dehsen, L., Park, S. Y., Maisel, J., & Steinfeld, E. (2010). The value and acceptance of citizen science to promote transit accessibility, Journal of Technology and Disability, 22(1-2), 73-81. IOS Press.
  • D’Souza, C., Steinfeld, E., Paquet, V., & Feathers, D. (2010, In press). Space requirements for wheeled mobility devices in public transportation: An analysis of clear floor space requirements. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, In press.
  • Ayoob, E., Andrianoff, T., Aziz, R. D., & Steinfeld, A. (2010). Interaction development for a public transit rider reporting system. Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference, Miami, FL, July 17-20, 2010.
  • Steinfeld, E., D’Souza, C., & Maisel, J. (2010). Clear Floor Space For Contemporary Wheeled Mobility Users. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED 2010), Hong Kong, June 2-4, 2010.
  • Steinfeld, E., Paquet, V., Lenker, J., D’Souza, C., & Maisel, J. (2010). Universal Design Research on Boarding and Using Buses. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED 2010), Hong Kong, June 2-4, 2010.
  • Yoo, D., Zimmerman, J., Steinfeld, A., & Tomasic, A. (2010). Understanding the space for co-design in riders’ interactions with a transit service, Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Atlanta, GA, April 10-15, 2010.
  • D’Souza, C., Steinfeld, E., Paquet, V., & Feathers, D. (2010). Space requirements for wheeled mobility devices in public transportation: An analysis of clear floor space requirements. Proceedings of the 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2010.
  • Maisel, J. L., Damle, U., & Lenker, J. (2010). Systematic Review of Research on Boarding and Disembarking. Transportation Research Board 2010 Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board.
  • Steinfeld, A., Aziz, R., Von Dehsen, L., Park, S. Y., Maisel, J., & Steinfeld, E. (2010). Modality preference for rider reports on transit accessibility problems. Transportation Research Board 2010 Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board.


  • Steinfeld, A., Maisel, J. L., & Steinfeld, E. (2009). The value of citizen science to promote transit accessibility. First International Symposium on Quality of Life Technology.